i slept bad last night.
i hate that stupid bed of mine, the madras is too damn hard that it makes my body sour the day after. i was supposed to sleep early so i would be able to wake up at 8 but that didnt happen.
ended up waking up at around ten to wash my dog from his morning walk. ate some breakfast (i think), and went and sat on the couch with my mom until then fell asleep again. i felt too weak, i couldnt keep my eyes open.
slept for the three hours. and i had some real nice dreams. i dreamt about edward from twilight haha LOL, it was really weird. why didnt i dream of him the whole night? i was bella in my dream, and he was exactly the same, except that he could fly as well! hahaha, he would hold me and we would fly around. i dont remember exactly what was happening, but suddenly my friend jesus was there, and we were going up to my hotel room together, it was night. outside my room there were a bunch of girl sitting in the lobby, i think i was looking for edward, and i called his name because i couldnt find him. and jesus had dragged me away from the lobby because the girls were laughing at me because they knew i was blabbing about the vampire from twilight.
then out of nowhere he comes up to me on the street and takes me to his arms and away into the sky hahahaha
well up in the sky i spotted the girls and they saw me flying so edward went toward them with full speed, almost like he was gonna bump into the group of girls. they were chocked because they didnt believe me at first when i had told them about him. when we got real close edward turned up again and we continued with the flying.
this is fcking corny i cant believe im acually writing this down
but it felt real good, and when i woke up i felt really rested.
anyways, im going to be on the TESCO CD with my song "Someday", so thats very exciting.
they will be distributing 200 000 copies of the CD in Tesco stores all over britain!
and about the competition on 1click2fame - i got to 4th place. its a shame i didnt get through to the next round, if i had been 3rd i would compete again but for 100 000 pounds in april 2010 i believe.
ah well, i guess thats life, but im so happy that i even got up that high in the competition. i'd want to thank all of those who took their time to vote for me, THANK YOU SO MUCH!
my mom had given me my keyboard to my precious iMac now, but only temporary. i think i will post another video on youtube soon.
i feel very content at the moment, unlike yesterday. maybe its because of the dream, or maybe its the lovely weather. i can feel the sun shining on my back from my bedroom window as im writing this now.
anyways, this was a very long and boring and mostly a pointless blog, i dont know if you've bothered reading it this far.