The rain keeps fallin the tide keeps comin closer to the shore as I step back to save myself staring at the coast but no ones there, no ones there
I try to make a run for it but the presence in its past form seems to keep hunting me down Im breathless and fighting for some air because i never thought I’d feel so tired never thought love was this cold hearted
For you it never meant much because you never made any sacrifices in your life you came along without any thought you never thought about the consequences and the consequences has never laid the world up against you hitting you from every weak angle you have
You never had time run up to you like that like the tide on the shore was anything even real from you I cant be sure but I never felt so tired as I am now and hope has just seemed to fade out and die replaceed with shadows building up in the corner of my eye as it brings forth the sad goodbyes I try to make a run for it but I cant hide from you there isnt even a point of staying in light since the colors have changed baby the colors have changed and its made me blind its made me blind its made me blind the life doesnt go up or forward just forces me down forces me left behind
So I try to take a grip but I cant reach out to grab myself
Its like I’m untouchable even to myself Im falling away because this is beyond me this isnt me anymore still its too real too strong making it useless to fight against for and I can see myself walking alone with the shadows around me with nothing but the pain and I never thought I’d feel this tired so I’ll just let it in because I have nothing more to claim, nothings going to be the same l’ll surrender myself to the waves and let the tide take me in its too late for me to save myself since I had so many attempts to get out out from this suffucating hole but all in vain, all the motion has made me feel like I never have been so tired in my life before this pain before this unbreakable chain before this pain before this pain.

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